GCL721 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gcl721/art/Google-Chrome-X-127817175GCL721

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Google Chrome X



Updated! Check out Chrome II, my second take on the Google Chrome icon.

My first submission to DeviantART

I'm planning on switching to Chrome when it's formally released for Mac, but (no offense, Google) I couldn't see it's icon NOT looking ugly next to all the others in my Dock, and I couldn't find something that looked right (and was Leopard compatible) on DA. Thus, I came up with this, inspired by Apple's new QuickTime X logo. Hope you like it!

License in ZIP.

Comments appreciated; thanks in advance for any :+fav:s!

-George C. Lambrou

Just to clear some confusion up, the Windows icons will work on XP. I just wanted to stress that they also have the icon sizes up to 256 for Vista and 7.

Please respect the artist, only use these icons for the customization of your own personal computer system; that means no derivative works, packages/redistributions, etc.
© 2009 - 2024 GCL721
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Thanatermesis's avatar

Amazing version! Would you allow me to use it shipped on Elive Linux?